Swansea Veterinary Center Blog
Pet Safety in Warmer Temps: 5 Outdoor Environmental Hazards to be Aware Of

As a pet owner, you look forward to the warmer spring weather because it means you can finally spend more time outdoors with your furry friend. Unfortunately, it also means more exposure to environmental hazards for your dog or cat. This requires awareness of these dangers and active steps on your part to help your pet avoid them.
Blue-Green Algae
Cyanobacteria, more commonly known as blue-green algae, are microscopic in size and located in ponds, streams, and freshwater lakes. They can be extremely toxic to dogs, cats, horses, birds, and cows. Diarrhea, vomiting, seizures, breathing difficulty, skin and mucous membrane discoloration, and disorientation are some of the most serious symptoms associated with blue-green algae. Severe poisoning can cause death, so it’s essential to contact your veterinary
In it Together - Devoted Resolutions

It’s a new year, and you have vowed to get in shape and improve your health. Although you might have made this resolution before only to fall back into old habits before the end of January, you mean it this time. The good news is that having a pet gives you even more motivation to achieve better health. Not only does the love of your furry companion give you the incentive to take better care of yourself, but it encourages you to improve your pet’s health as well.